Hey All,
Today, the results for the Pimp My Broadband is out! I am ranked top 25 for the Pimp My Broadband Contest. The prizes for rank 4-50 will be a HSDPA Modem and 3 months free subscription for Digi Explore Package. However i did not win the grand prize which is the new 13 Inch MacBook Pro. It will be good to try out the newly launched broadband by Digi. I hope that Digi broadband will provide better services and faster connection compared with the current broadband (Maxis Broadband).
Actually, the main reason why i joined this competition is because i am totally frustrated with my current broadband and wanna try other broadband. I have to go to McD, KFC, Starbucks, Coffee Bean and other WiFi hotspot everyday just to get me connected to the internet. It have caused my time being wasted, no flexibility, troublesome, inconvenience and SCOLDING from my parents. =( Moreover, I am student which i need to submit my assignments, assessments and FYP (Final Year Project). All i can say to my current broadband. You have been pimped! Bye Bye Maxis Broadband. Maxis Broadband has given to its customers their WORST service EVER! I cant wait to collect my prizes for this competition.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, I would like to give a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who have voted for me throughout this competition. Some of my friends and family members have sacrificed their free time just to vote for me everyday. At the same time, I would like to apologize to my parents that i always come back late because i am outside using the internet. Once again, I will never forget to all my fellow friends again who have took the trouble to vote for me everyday.
I will give a review about the newly DiGi broadband in my blog and Facebook once i received the prizes. Thank you.

For more information, please Click This Link http://www.pimpmybroadband.com.my/WinnerPage.aspx/
Lee Sheng Yang
Frustrated Maxis Broadband Customer.