Saturday, December 13, 2008

Mac On Windows XP

Macintosh Operating System OS X 10.4 Tiger (Intel) is on Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2, Vista(Experimantal), 95/98/2000/2003. This is an emulator software which able to run 2 or more operating system at one time without booting your computer. The program called Parallels. You can put in Linux, MS-DOS, FreeBSD. O/S 2, Solaris and others. This will effect your RAM and processing speed. Since i am using a Dual Core processor. There is not much of problem.

There is another way of enable Windows on Apple computer is by using BootCamp. But this program you need to reboot your computer to order to run that operating system.

CrossOver Office is an application which able to run .exe file on Macintosh Operating System OS X 10.4 Tiger (Intel) but it is still on beta or experimental. It uses Windows 98/2000 platform to run the .exe files which not recommended to use it.

Please note that all the software Bootcamp, Parallels, and CrossOver Office is apply only on Apple Computer which are running on Intel Platform. PowerPC G3,G4,G5 platform are not supported to run the program

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