Back to my Kampar life. I am now staying in Kampar for 2 weeks already. All i can say that the weather here are extreme hot and cold. Meaning that during the day time it will be extremely hot until you have to take bath at least 3 times. While the cold weather occurred when it is raining heavily (usually at the year end). I also have to drink lots of water everyday to prevent dehydration. The second day at Kampar, i was having fever and got into viral attack due to the water in Kampar. Water here at not filtered and I vomited twice on the day itself. Luckily, I was able to recovered by midnight.
Study environment at UTAR Kampar is better than the one in Petaling Jaya Campus. Lecture room and the tutorial room are 1000 times larger compared with the PJ Campus. PJ Campus are considered Universiti Tak Ada Ruang (UTAR) already due to its small space in its building. But in Kampar Campus are different. There are many blocks all around the campus and 100% assured that sufficient space for the student to attend the lecture and tutorials. However, study environment good doesn't means that study life at Kampar are good as you expected. I was told by my lecturer that Kampar students tend to fail more compared with the PJ Campus. That is because students attitude are worse due to bad attitude, abuse of freedom (always hang out, especially Ipoh. Oh yeah, McD is in Ipoh. There were no McD in Kampar!), full time entertainment and others. Lecturers in UTAR Kampar are new compared as in other campus in UTAR. Most of the lecturer who taught me isn't that good because i am not able to understand what the lecturer is saying! Somehow, I managed to understand by learning it by myself. =D
Hostel life (Meaning where you live while you are studying) pretty bad as usual. This is because students (my neighbors) blasts their sound system and screams every night until 3am. What a joke... That bulgars must be insane... Many Students also love sitting down on the walkway in front of their house during nighttime. Most of the time they will be chit chatting among themselves. That is very common in Westlake, Kampar. They have a table and chairs inside yet they still enjoy sitting on the road... Very Interesting. I saw students in Kampar enjoy playing basketball until 3am.
Internet in Kampar is the worst internet you could possibly get in Malaysia! This is because the download speed will be about 5kbps download. UTAR Kampar have the worst internet i ever faced! 460 BYTES per SEC! my 33.6kbps modem can download faster than UTAR Kampar internet! Meaning using internet in UTAR Kampar is useless. The only way is to use at home or at Cybercafes. Even that also, during the night. The internet will be very slow because students love watching their chinese dramas using PPS (PPStream) where it really leech the connection nicely in and out! The only solution will be using podcast to kill their PPStream connection. Hahahahaha! Make them cannot enjoy watching their TVB Drama! Other than that, the line should be fine here.
Food in old town Kampar isn't that bad. They have nice Fried Keow Tew using Coal located beside the fresh market and it is only RM2.50! Curry Chicken Bread in Kampar are also popular here. The only problem UTAR Kampar located at Bandar Baru Kampar (New Town), about 3km if you wanna come to Kampar Old Town. In the New Town in Kampar, the food are more expensive than KL, worse than KL, and you feel like not eating. The only solution, if you have a car. Please go to old town and eat. And If you dont have a car, make your own food is better.
Overall, Kampar lifestyle are extremely boring and you should have a car when you are here. =D And also if you want to study, better find a quiet place like Eastlake or something as long not in Westlake there. Boredness will be the biggest factor in Kampar until students willingly to sit down on the road just to chitchat. Imagine how bad is Kampar life... It is really that bad...
I will further explain to you about Kampar when the right time comes! =P

This picture shows a view of the UTAR Kampar

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